Friday, April 25, 2014

TG and her rose colored glasses

Being accused of wearing rose-colored glasses isn't usually a compliment. Traditionally, it implies that the wearer is unable to accept negativity or chooses to ignore that about life which is unpleasant and not take the necessary steps to improve situations. But that isn't why I wear rose colored glasses. I wear them because I WANT the world in which we live to be rosy. I want to be part of a community that supports all members and thrives because of that support and concern.

Our world is not always a welcome one. We live in a time where states approve the carrying of guns in bars and churches and schools but won't celebrate love unless it is between a man and a woman, preferably chaste Christian ones. We live in a world where people rally and join together to humiliate rape victims, protest the coverage of birth control methods on insurance plans, and fight to ensure no woman has control of her own body. Those same people then turn around and deny the same women assistance to get out of poverty or public mental health services to deal with the repercussions of rape. Student loan debt is crushing the dreams of young people and veterans are returning from defending our freedom to situations where they are losing their homes and can't afford to feed their families. None of these are situations that create a sense of community for me, none are "fair" but there isn't an end to them.

That is why I wear rose colored glasses. Really, truly pink ones. Because when I see my world I am saddened that I can do so little to make a difference. I can buy a fast food meal for the person who tentatively approaches me in the drive through line; I can donate to politicians that say the things in which I believe; I can volunteer my time at places that do all they can to make a dent in the disparities in our world. But in the grand scheme of things that isn't enough. My glasses are like a mask or super-heroes cape. They remind me that things can get better. And even more importantly, they remind me that it is worth the effort to make it better!

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