I never met Grace... I never even knew she was sharing my world other than the peripheral knowledge that my coworker, my friend, had a daughter. But in the two weeks since Grace died, she is someone from whom I learned very much. And someone I wish I had known. Grace was loved... adored even. She shared laughter and joy and silliness with those around her.
At her memorial, I was touched - literally - by other people in attendance. I hugged and held hands with people I hadn't seen in months, years. I was struck by the admiration for Grace by those who knew her. And struck by the impact she had on so many. I smiled when I learned she was a "Whovian" and wondered who her favorite Doctor was?
Her mother called her courageous, brave and while I don't doubt she was, I thought that most certainly her parents are brave. I don't know that I would have the strength to survive such a loss. And I thought of my parents and my struggle. I remembered my father gently telling me all he could do was hope I would hold on but he couldn't make me do anything.
Mostly I hoped that Grace could feel the love that those gathered had for her. That she knew she had made a difference and would be remembered, even by those who never had the privilege to meet her.